Vacating UUW Convictions in Illinois
Today I appeared before Judge Haberkorn in the Circuit Court of Cook County – 2nd Municipal District and vacated my clients Unlawful Use of A Weapon (UUW) conviction from August 22, 2006. My client, a family man and an electrical engineer by trade, was arrested for a DUI and the officer found a loaded gun on the passenger side of the car. My client plead guilty to the UUW and the DUI charge – he represented by another attorney when he plead guilty to the charges.
Over 10 years later, I was able to vacate my clients UUW conviction based on recent decisions from the US Supreme Court, the US Court of Appeals (7th Circuit) and the Illinois Supreme Court. My filed brief in support of vacating my client’s conviction was thorough and included a detailed analysis of all relevant case law. Our position was so strong, that the Cook County State’s Attorney conceded.
I have been fighting for my clients for many years who has been prosecuted by the State of Illinois for violating gun laws which have now been found to be unconstitutional. After many battles with the State’s Attorney’s Office, it is encouraging to see that the United States Constitution is alive and well. Wining a case like this has special significance since today is 9/11. Our freedoms are under attack at many levels and can’t be taken for granted. Without fighting the government and overzealous prosecutors, we are left with allowing them to define our freedoms. In Illinois, for those who have UUW convictions (Class 4 and Misdemeanors) and had a FOID card at the time of their conviction, may be eligible to have their convictions vacated and their records eventually expunged. Kudos to all the criminal defense attorneys who have been fighting for our rights to bear arms under the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution.
Kudos all the attorneys who have been fighting for decades in Illinois to protect our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms.
For more information, visit, or email me at or call me at 312-593-1765.
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