How The Feds Are Tracking Us
[addthis tool="addthis_inline_share_toolbox_p165"]Evidence is mounting that the federal government is working hard to find new ways to track us. This effort is not receiving the attention that it deserves. The federal government is constantly developing new technologies that will become more and more intrusive and will continue to eat away at our privacy. This article will discuss some of the new technologies that are on the way. The FBI has just started rolling out its Next Generation system. The program costs $1 billion and will involve a gigantic national database of mug shots, DNA samples, iris (eye) scans, voice records and fingerprints collected from more than 100 million people that is designed to identify and arrest criminals. The federal government has already secured the cooperation of many state agencies, and by the time its fully deployed in 2014 will have the photographs of over 12 million faces. The problem is that they intend not only to obtain the photographs of known criminals but to obtain photog...