DEA Considering Reclassifying Marijuana
[addthis tool="addthis_inline_share_toolbox_p165"]The DEA has announced that they are considering reclassifying Marijuana from a Schedule 1 Drug to something less. The implications could have enormous consequences which could drastically change the way we deal with marijuana in the criminal justice system. Under current federal law, Marijuana is classified as a Schedule 1 Drug. This is the highest classification for the ranking of drugs. This classification includes Heroin and Cocaine. The current classification of marijuana makes it illegal under federal law to prescribe marijuana for medical purposes since Class 1 drugs have no current accepted medical use. 24 states currently permit medical marijuana in violation of federal law. If the federal government reclassified marijuana to something less than a Schedule 1 drug, this would allow researchers to work with the plant to explore possible medical uses. Since Marijuana is classified a Schedule 1 drug, researches can only legally obtain the plant through a single federal g...